Well, here we are a year and a half later. Jesus, has it really been that long since I last updated this blog! I almost forgot about all the great fun I had in the past writing goofy blogs about nothing! The new year is here and as I do every year, I have vowed to read and write more. So here I am! Let me give you the abridged version on what has been going on around here.
Let's see May 2011 was my last update. Since then-
Summer of 2011 was the usual- swimming, staying in pj's until noon (ok, let's be honest, it was all day, but whatev), summer home visiting, house hunting, packing, moving. Wait, what? You don't house hunt, pack and move in with your in-laws while selling a house? Well, we did!
In August, we packed all of our non-essentials and moved in with Jake's parents while we tried to sell our home of 10 years. If you have never moved after living in the same location for that long, I do not recommend it! It was absolutely amazing how much shit had accumulated in that time. There was a load of purging, sorting and organizing. We listed our house and hoped for the best. We felt it would be easier to sell the house whilst we were NOT living there. Keeping a small house clean with two small children, two dogs and unorganized adults is not an easy task. So, we put most of our things in storage and then braved what ended up being 7 months of living with Jake's parents.

I love this house, it is awesome sauce and totally big enough for all of us to escape from one another. Not to mention that it came with a big f'n pool! So we spent most of our summer here. Pissing away the days,
living in swimming suits, applying and reapplying sunblock and eating peanut butter and jelly sammiches.
The summer of 2012 also brought Ivan's Make A Wish to San Diego Legoland. That was a whole huge experience that I will fill you in on later. Here are a few fun photos from that.
There was also lots of going to the farm park...
Then there was spending long days at the Children's Discovery Museum...
There were fundraisers for Make A Wish that Ivan wanted to give back to...
There was a lot of generally lazing around the new house (and we are all guilty!)
There were a few important birthday's. Winnie turned 3 and my mom, well, we won't share how old she is now, but you get the picture. And I celebrated my birthday with a new fantastic new stand mixer!
There were beautiful sunny mornings and a wedding of a very close friend that I was so excited to do the flowers.
There was a general sense of craziness, creativity and free spirited living...

Don't forget Halloween. Ivan was an army man and Luci was, of course, a gypsy.
And then there was Christmas. I can't tell you how wonderful it was to spend Christmas in our new home!
So that's what we've been up to. You can probably tell, this is why I haven't posted in so long. Life got in the way. Well, I assure you that I have some great ideas to share and I am going to make the best effort to stay caught up and write on a regular basis. I have been reading more and that's the other part of my vow.
What has your year looked like?

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