Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sliding into Winter

Well, well, well.  Here we are again.  I must say that I am quite pleased with myself for sticking to a three-days-in-a-row posting spree.  Don't get too used to it though, the only reason I'm posting so often is probably be a.) it's winter and IL sucks for things to do in the winter and b.) there are no good TV shows on right now.  Blah!

Since we are back into a regular schedule at school, I thought I better get my act together and make some cutesy plans for winter.  I had imagined a wall in the hallway, that I share with the other 2nd grade teacher, turning into a winter scene.  A slippery hill with penguins sliding down.  Sort of like this, but way cuter.
I actually thought of this before Christmas break and I imagined a blue background with an icy hill.  I'm thinking a white hill outlined with something sparkly. So after Christmas I went bargain shopping and found some silver tinsel garland that I think I will use.  In the mean time, I needed to come up with a art project for the kids to make the penguins.  So today, (in matter of about 20 minutes, I brag) I sketched, outlined and created templates for the kids to trace.  I put together a example and cut paper for them while they were in the computer lab.  The kids loved the idea and I think they turned out quite nice!  Not too shabby for 20 minutes (+/-) of prep work.  I can be a crafty bitch when I need to be.  
I promise to post pictures of the finished wall when we get it all put together.  I am also thinking about how we can incorporate something literacy based to this.  Another teacher suggested a book review maybe?  I'll be thinking about it.  If you have any ideas let me know.  I like the title "Sliding into a good book" of "Sliding into Winter".  What do you think?

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