Monday, May 26, 2014

We Should Be Friends

One thing that I have found out about blogging and writing is that people that follow you make this assumption fairly quickly that they know you.  While I love having the devoted followers that I do, I sometimes feel that I have lost some of the genuine getting to know you fodder that comes with making true friends in real life.  I love that people that I would normally just be casual acquaintances with, look at me like a long lost friend.  But sometimes, I they really know me?

While I do have many friends that really DO know me following my blog, I also have many strangers and casual acquaintances following, commenting and liking the things I have to say.  So I thought it is only fair to share some of the things about me that you probably don't know, unless you have spent a significant amount of time with me on a daily basis, face-to-face.  (That way you know fully what you are getting yourself into by reading my stuff and you're not totally shocked if I say something off the wall. Because I am, indeed, an off the wall kinda gal.)

I think too much.  I ponder. I obsess. I question everything. I guess and second guess. 

Music is my lifeblood.  I live, breathe and crave for music.  I listen to a variety of genres.  I listen to everything from Led Zeppelin to Janis Joplin to The Doors to chick love singers like Sarah McLachlan, to Dave Matthews, to Indie rockers like Ani DiFranco, to pop, blues and jazz.  I like them all.  I listen to what makes me happy at the moment.  When I get up in the morning, I listen to music while I get ready for my day.  I listen to it on my way to work, jamming and pumping myself up for the day.  I listen to it on my way home to relax me and calm me down for the evening.  While I cook, I crank it.  When I write, I pick a suitable match to what I'm writing.  When I put my kids to bed, they have music to soothe them to sleep.  I seek out live music whenever I can.  I love going to concerts, shows and live venues.  In fact, my love for music goes way back in time.  I remember riding in the car with my mom when I was about 5 years old and she would quiz me about who the artists were on the radio (especially Led Zepp).

I swear a lot.  While I am an educated, professional, I still cuss like a sailor when I'm being "me."  I sometimes feel conflicted with who I am in "real life" and who I am in my career.  While my job is especially well suited for me, I sometimes feel that I don't fit the mold of what I should be.  It's an internal struggle that I have fought for several years silently.  I'm starting to feel a little more confident and comfortable in my skin and my role as a professional. 

I'm a free spirit.  I am laid back and I don't take too many things too personally or seriously.  I take life as it comes and I try not to focus too much on the distant future.  While I often set goals and have aspirations for the future, they are usually a flexible and fluid vision rather than an finite, set in stone endeavor. 

I am honest and opinionated.  I will gladly give you my two cents (probably without you even asking for it).  Sometimes, I am too blunt and I say things that I didn't fully think through.  I have spoken words that I realized were hurtful and ate them later. 

I am a good listener.  While I can be extremely honest, often people feel that they can seek honest advice from me. This has been a constant since I was a teenager.  I was and have always been the problem solver.  The diplomat.  Over the years, I have gotten better about being more compassionate in my listening skills.  Generally, if someone needs to vent, I'm the one that will listen.

I read every chance I get.  While the days are short and my time is often stretched, I try to read as much as possible.  I usually have four or five books going at once.  I love all types of books.  I'm a sucker for a well written love story, as well as a wonderful mystery.  I have just recently found out that I like non-fiction books of travelers.  My night stand is a revolving library of books of all genres.  I also read tons of online blogs and magazines.  I love to hear the perspectives and stories of others. 

I write.  I discovered that I loved to write when I was about 12 years old.  I had a teacher (that I hated at the time) that encouraged me to write poetry.  She even entered my poetry into a contest and I won!  Over the years, I have gone long periods of time without writing and I always come back to it, like an old friend.  It's a outlet, a creative outlet mostly, that I can seek out when I have things on my mind.  I tend to have an obsessive personality and I get stuck on things in my head and writing is a way for me to get them out and move on.  It restores my sanity, if you will.  Although, I have been writing for 20+ years, it hasn't been until recently that I have actually been brave enough to call myself a writer.  Which, in itself if funny because my mantra is that ANYONE can be a writer!

I share my ideas, experiences and thinking with anyone that is willing to listen. 

I love my family with all my being.  My husband, children and family are my lifeblood.  My universe.  My world.  They give me inspiration and daily gratitude for living each and every day.  I am amazed and enthralled with the daily conversations, actions and stories that we create on a daily basis.  They make me laugh, cry, smile, yell and love.  We are not perfect and I will never claim that we are, but we are ourselves.  We don't try to be something that we are not and we are original, down to earth people.

I belt laughter from my soul.  My toes.  I possess a constant smile that makes my eyes close and my soul open.  I share my feelings freely.  I sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve.  I will tell it like it is, even if it sometimes hurts. 

I am wildly independent.  I love being alone and doing my own thing, although being a mom is not exactly conducive to alone time.  But when I get to be alone, I revel in it.  I know that being independent has made me a stronger person, yet hard to live with sometimes, so I applaud my husband for putting up with me and my shenanigans.  Whether it's having a day to myself or traveling to London and Paris alone with people I barely knew, he has been understanding and encouraging.  Love him for that! 

I am a dreamer.  I have ideas that may or may not ever pan out.  But I constantly need to think and dream.  It fuels my creative personality.  Even when I don't have time to write, I am creating dialogues and scenarios in my head.  Call me crazy but I love having time to just sit and think.

I am awkward.  The absolute queen of awkward.  I say things out of context.  I act out my stories and end up tripping, knocking something over or hurting myself in the process, all for the sake of comedy.  I get excited and flub up my words.  My shoes fly off my feet, my glasses fall off my head, and I say stupid things.  But I am me and I am genuine.  Half of the funny stories I could tell involve the awkward situations that I get myself into. 

I speak fluent sarcasm.  I can add a bad pun, an ironic twist or elaborate fictional backstory to any conversation.  I excel in adding off the wall conversations to two people talking, sitting across the restaurant from me.  I am here to make people laugh and my sarcasm is my vehicle to achieving that. 

I can also be very sincere, compassionate and passionate.  I can be your best friend, your partner in crime or your sharer of inside jokes.  I care about people and help when I can.  I am a cheerer-upper, a story teller, a lover of life and I am a wordsmith.  I advocate for what I think is right and stand up and shout when necessary.  I cheer on the underdog.  Underdogs are my favorite, actually. 

Hopefully, now that we have gotten acquainted, we can be friends.  I'd like to get to know all of you, as well, so leave me a comment about you.  Who are you, really?  Give me some words.  I love words. 

If  you enjoyed this post check out Dalai Mama on Facebook and Twitter! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Father's Day Submissions

In honor of Father's Day, wouldn't it be fun to put together a compilation of letters to the important men in our lives?  Whether it's your own dad, a father figure, an uncle, your husband, grandfather or someone else who has played an important role in your life, wouldn't it be wonderful to pay tribute to them this Father's Day?  Haven't you always wanted to have your writing featured on a mediocre blog like Dalai Mama? Well, here's your chance!

Dalai Mama will be accepting submissions of letters written to dads, husbands, grandfathers, etc. for a Father's Day series.  The submission should be authentic, so speak from your heart and give it some thought.  Your letter should make us FEEL.  It could be hilarious and make us laugh so hard that we cry.  Or it could be serious and heartfelt and still make us cry. 

I just love using letters as a way to express creative thinking and writing.  A unique perspective will certainly put your letter to the top of the stack. 

So, women and men of all ages, I challenge you tap into your inner "Dalai Mama" and put some thought into that important man in your life.  If you haven't done anything like this before, I challenge you to try it.  After you put the kids to bed, finish your homework, or get off work, I challenge you to sit down and write.  I challenge you to write for just 5 minutes, to get started.

So here is how it is going to work:
You will dedicate some thoughtful reflection time to the important men in your life and write your letter.  You can send your submission to me by emailing me at   I will be accepting submissions until Friday, June 6 .  Once I have had time to review your submissions, I will select 6 letters to be posted on Dalai Mama the week leading up to Father's Day. 
If you choose to remain anonymous, I will respect that and your name and likeness will not be included.  If you are a blogger and would like me to link back to your blog, please note that in your submission.
I can't wait to hear your letters.  I will be working on mine and it will be posted as part of the Father's Day series on Dalai Mama.  Now, get to writing!