Dalai Mama will be accepting submissions of letters written to dads, husbands, grandfathers, etc. for a Father's Day series. The submission should be authentic, so speak from your heart and give it some thought. Your letter should make us FEEL. It could be hilarious and make us laugh so hard that we cry. Or it could be serious and heartfelt and still make us cry.
I just love using letters as a way to express creative thinking and writing. A unique perspective will certainly put your letter to the top of the stack.
So, women and men of all ages, I challenge you tap into your inner "Dalai Mama" and put some thought into that important man in your life. If you haven't done anything like this before, I challenge you to try it. After you put the kids to bed, finish your homework, or get off work, I challenge you to sit down and write. I challenge you to write for just 5 minutes, to get started.
So here is how it is going to work:
You will dedicate some thoughtful reflection time to the important men in your life and write your letter. You can send your submission to me by emailing me at dalaimamablog@gmail.com. I will be accepting submissions until Friday, June 6 . Once I have had time to review your submissions, I will select 6 letters to be posted on Dalai Mama the week leading up to Father's Day.
If you choose to remain anonymous, I will respect that and your name and likeness will not be included. If you are a blogger and would like me to link back to your blog, please note that in your submission.
I can't wait to hear your letters. I will be working on mine and it will be posted as part of the Father's Day series on Dalai Mama. Now, get to writing!
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